

Please register here for the challenge.


  • 17th June 2024:
    Kickoff-meeting @Universtität Stuttgart (Pfaffenwaldring 29, 70569 Stuttgart)
  • 17th - 05th October 2024:
    Remote group work for business models
  • June-September 2024:
    Workshop & Networkingmeeting in Stuttgart
  • 5th October 2024:
    Deadline group documents (Business model canvas, business model, pitch deck, annexes)
  • 17th October 2024:
    Regional jury meeting, Stuttgart
  • 24th October 2024:
    Award Ceremony of the Green Späce Challenge 2024, Fernsehturm Stuttgart (17-21 Uhr)

Whoever dares, wins!

As a participant of the green späce competition, you will have a chance to win a bunch of pleasing awards.

Participation is worthwhile in any case!